2017 by the Numbers

In addition to  taking in more money this fiscal year, rooms, food and beverage, and other all posted gains on 2016.

Clark County casinos sold $5.76 billion worth of room nights. And those rooms were occupied 88.15 percent of the time, with the average nightly rate hovering around $155. In 2016, Clark County hotels were occupied at 87.46 percent, and at a $138.48 rate.

Net Income at Major Las Vegas Strip Casinos Soars 191 Percent in Latest Fiscal Year

The next largest revenue source was food, with receipts at Clark County casino restaurants totaling $3.5 billion. Beverage sales came in at $1.6 billion, and other, possibly including gift shops, accounted for $3 billion.

Shooting Impact

don t believe the October 1 shooting that killed 58 people will deter tourism long-term. However, cancellations in the leisure segment did escalate in the days and weeks following the horrific event.

Asian arrivals also dropped, with Caesars CEO Mark Frissora attributing what s considered a longer period of appropriate mourning in countries like China for the decline.

Gaming revenue at Strip casinos subsequently dropped in October (-6.05 percent) and again in November (-6.06 percent).